Success can be easy, right? But how many of us believe that? Let us change our thoughts.
It is often said that the road to success is never easy.
Is it really true that success is challenging? Is it really true that you need to struggle to be successful? Is it really true that success finds its value only after struggle?
I am aware that all of us carry with a whole load of stories in the forms of beliefs and associations and perceptions. We add more and more color to those visuals and images we have seen; to the stories we have heard.
The glorification of struggle and hard work have always been emphasized and colored in bright hues. I had my fair share of stories too.
But, 13 years ago, my life started changing. It took me 13 years to be here – who I am right now. Confusions, conflicts, trying to understand and assimilate various concepts – above everything, trying to understand why a certain person experiences one thing while the other experiences the same in a different manner.
Spirituality – life coaching – energy healing – yoga – meditation – prayer – the words are different; the modalities function differently; but at the end of the day the destination is the same.
All the religious texts and self-help texts point out to the same – you can redefine your thoughts at this very moment to experience a shift in reality.
Then why would you want to believe that success is challenging? Being successful is a struggle?
It is just a perception. The perception you choose and you choose to believe will work for you [and trust me, will work for you in amazingly true manner.]
So, pause and think!
Why can’t it be rephrased? Why can’t we say that the road to success can be easy and effortless? What we need is #persistence, #resilience, and #faith that we can be successful.
Redefine your success story. Re-word every single word you say. Look at every perceived challenge as an opportunity. Enjoy every step you take; every movement you make; every breath you breathe.